Japanese culture – v2. Rickshaw

I can’t believe that summer is coming to an end😭… but it’s still a nice weather for comfortable traveling☀️✨ I don’t want you to miss one of Japanese culture experience tours before it gets cold.. it is Japanese Rickshaw, Ginrikisha (人力車)🏃💨✨238ba5e7f731889250ef19f39b73cc1c_l

Ginrikisha (人力車), called ‘pulled rickshaw’ or ‘human powered car’, was invented in Tokyo in 1860s. It was a major human-powered transport by which a runner draws a two-wheeled cart which seats one or two people👫
The more our technology was improving⤴︎, the more its popularity declined⤵︎.. but nowadays in Japan, it became a popular culture experience tour in many cities, such as Kyoto(京都), Asakkusa(浅草), Kamakura(鎌倉)⛩💕

Honestly its price is not inexpensive.. but I think it’s definitely worth trying!👍✨ You must be fun a lot — not only enjoy riding Ginrikisha, but also feel nature and atmosphere🍃, go to secret destinations that only local people know📷 and get local information (e.g. recommended places to eat, culture and history)🍣 from your runner!
If you want, you can rent Yukata, which is an informal Kimono (and the one I am wearing in the photo!), nearby and experience two Japanese cultures at the same time👘💓


I guess “Ebisuya” is the most popular company that provides this amazing experience in Japan.. you can check their service location and price on their official website. You will find many amazing pictures too!😋

I will keep introducing such interesting tours in my blog! If you like my post, please follow my blog or leave comments🙏✨

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Sebastian says:

    Great guide to Japanese culture! I never realized that “rickshaw” comes from a Japanese word.
    I just came from India; they have tons of rickshaws in every city!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ayaka says:

      Thank you! Yes.. it was originally invented in Tokyo, and then spread to all over the world, mainly Asian countries😊 I feel proud of this invention as one Japanese🎌✨

      Liked by 1 person

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